This New iPad Browser From Dolphin Blows Safari Out Of The Water

Dolphin, the maker behind one of the most popular alternative browsers for Android, finally has an iPad app.


We like it.

Where Dolphin really stands out is its touch-based gestures. Instead of hacking away at buttons for forward, back, refresh, etc., there are a bunch of programmed gesutres.

It's a great way to browse, especially on the iPad's large screen. Our only beef is that you have to launch the gesture screen before you can start swiping. We think it would've been much better if the gestures just worked by drawing over the current web page.


Another feature we like is the "Webzine," a Flipboard-like reader that pops up whenever you visit a news site or blog. It's not as pretty as Flipboard, but it is a cool way to explore a site's stories without being bogged down by ads and other distractions.


And yes, all that makes it better than Safari.

Dolphin is free for iPad.


Browsing is pretty straight forward. We do like the interface's look. And you can't go wrong with tabbed browsing

dolphin ipad browser

When you visit a news site or blog, the "Webzine" bar pops up at the bottom. Tap it to launch the Webzine

dolphin ipad browser

Here's the Webzine view. You can swipe through all the stories from the site you just visited.

dolphin ipad browser

Tap a story, and it'll pop up in a separate window

dolphin ipad browser

Here's a list of gestures. It's a cool concept, but we wish you didn't have to tap the "finger" button at the top before doing them

dolphin ipad browser

You can also create custom gestures as bookmarks for your favorite website. Pretty cool!

dolphin ipad browser

Still sick of Safari?

mercury browser for ipad

Click here for the best iPad browser alternatives >

Apps Mobile iPad
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