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103 (one hundred and three)
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This song is the "If I could be a constellation" of garukura.
Fix your font, this one has awful kerning.
That "My Song" stuff is still omega gay.
we won

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>And now, for my next song... "The Hokage’s Friend - (Uchigger)"
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It's a shame really, I would've been willing to overlook the way he's obsessed with drawing muscles.
lmao the turks have scored an OG hahaha
>Kishimoto uses aliens in his fanfics
lots of own goals this time around
Are you a fujo?

New episode tonight, it's apparently gonna be a good one.
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It's really annoying me at this point, Zoro shouldn't be struggling with so many fights and that power of love nonsense that Sanji is spewing in the recent chapters really smell like bad writing, and now a child further disrupts the logic of devil fruits with imagination BS. like there's no counterplay powers like that shouldn't exist in a story. At least the anime makes things look cool, but the manga is disappointing me.
You deserve to get raped you teasing brat Doll!
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How is it an asspull? It was unironically being set up since the start of the year.
PedoGods? Winners.

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Total Piccolo Death
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GentleForce... I'm going to cook ground beef with omelette and rasped cheese.
Still waiting on Xenoverse 3
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Maybe some of the troops are heroes but not automatically. I'm sure a lot of the troops are jerks. Most people are jerks already, and it's not like giving a jerk a gun and telling him it's okay to kill people suddenly turns that jerk into a hero.
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Isn't your image also from a "videotoy"?

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Kaiju No 8 Gets Captured
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>he is kaiju, just like the ones who killed your mother!
I always hated this dumb fucking line in every single "human-turned-monster" type plot
humans also kill humans that doesnt mean you go and fucking exterminate every single one of them
It's popular with people like YouTubers who scream during a few minutes of action scenes.
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why does he use eyeliner
They're gonna kill him right?

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Stab him in the groin and flee with waifu to Madagascar.
Why is no one drawfag my waifu, and no I won't say who
Shut the fuck up then
You can't drawfag a waifu, half-satan

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Studio trigger is still whoring out my wives
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Yume? They change her personality to match the va after her crazy phase died down.
My penis say otherwise
I fucked them all in azur lane.
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I could have saved her.

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Teru will protect us all!
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It was always impossible for SHY to be popular when MHA exists, which is the bigger series and constantly gets English releases.
One of these girls is not like the others...
She's great. Same VA as my favourite girl in Kunoichi Tsubaki as well.
she experiences a lot of character development in a relatively short timeframe
is the ninja girl ever return again? nobody bother to translate the manga so I don't really know.

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>japan is summoned into another world
>magic is shit tier so guns can be a threat
>time passes and they interbreed with the locals and let beastmen and good demons into the country
Why is this the most common ending in these types of isekai
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Is that the adventurer girl or the isekai girl that's really popular?
Yogiri was basically doing that but in his case it was more like pre-auto counter
Does that mean he was a slave or a very ESL way of saying "he sold me out"
>ESL suddenly
It seems SEA has arrived.
Man the halls.
It redistributes the weight of her tits onto her hips, thus reducing strain on her shoulders and back..

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This bitch makes Shinji look like a chad in comparison.
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>Saying that you're going to report somebody is a reason to report somebody.
What does this mean?
just wait until the Dandadan anime comes out. It's like the author saw Deku and wanted his MC to be even more emasculated.

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Yuki in school is cool?
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It's just one poster who does that, (You).
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Did we ever find out who won? Ladies or butlers?
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Busts like that should not be allowed to be hidden!
those massive fucking DRILLS
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I prefer her whisk form.
File deleted.
Just the best.
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Break week will soon end but the next chapter will be a nothingburger
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the artstyle is just as disgusting and ugly as your country
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She’s the one that came knocking at my door after school hours. Maybe it’s you who doesn’t really know a thing about Asa’s true feelings.
Don't worry friend I will find an artstyle that you can enjoy
Kino, they should have had more interactions

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The girls are alright.
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This anime was honestly so weird, loli fanservice at the start, that never comes back, tranny stuff in the middle, dramatic about a bunch of shit made look so intense that was resolved so easily like it was nothing at all
Called it. The kiss was Birdie Wing 2.0.
These damn nips can't bait me again.
yeah fuck that
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New Chainsaw Man scene from the first episode and...it's fucking CGI.
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