
90 seconds

Why exercise is the best medicine on ‘90 Seconds with Lisa Kim’

Ever wonder why, exactly, exercise is good for you? A Stanford Medicine-led effort to learn more about molecular effects of exercise paints the broadest picture yet of why, in the health arena, sweat is king. Watch the video.

June 6 - M-TRAM welcomes class of 2024-25

Stanford's master's program in Translational Research and Applied Medicine (M-TRAM), dedicated to transforming scientific discoveries into practical health care solutions, proudly begins its third year this fall, welcoming an exceptional incoming cohort. Learn more.

June 5 - Mentoring with the MODEL Program: Spotlight on William Collins, MD

Initiated by the Department of Medicine, this is a department-wide, cross-divisional, mentoring and development program. Learn more.

June 3 - Pride 'Pioneers in Medicine'

The “Pioneers in Medicine Project” pride edition celebrates three incredible individuals who have broken new ground in the medical field while advocating for LGBTQ+ visibility and rights. Watch the video.

May 6, 2024 - Stanford Medicine magazine: Psychiatry’s new frontiers

Stanford Medicine magazine’s new issue explores the nation’s mental health crisis and advances in psychiatric research and care offering hope for relief. Read the new issue.

Feb. 7, 2022 - One-stop resource: respiratory illness-related updates

This one-stop shop has been curated for Stanford Medicine employees to reference the latest COVID-19 testing, isolation and booster updates. Please use this page to find the most current information.