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  • Brandy says:

    This is really stupid. Disney shows today are no where near as good as nicks. Spongebob is way better than any disney cartoons. Icarly is ten times better than ant farm and Jessie. This is ridiculous!!!

  • Debra says:

    This is horrible are they out of their minds everyone knows nick is way better than any Disney show I mean come on look how long spongebob has been on the air and all the other children’s shows especially Disney ones are crappy with jokes so horrible their original movies are anything but original nick is where it’s at with drake and josh Dora icarly jimmy neutron rugrats it’s what everyone knows and loves and their kids to so Netflix has made a huge mistake no dumb new show could replace childhood memories like these tv show Netflix has made a horrible desion seriously nick can top any other tv show there shows are the best

  • Rocko lover says:

    Thank you Walter, everyone was thinking it.

    PS- I miss Rockos modern life

  • Tiffany Beard says:

    “Learn English”? What is wrong with teaching your children another language? What an ass.

  • megan says:

    Yo, It’s good to know a second language. Don’t be rude.

    We miss The Backyardigans. ;(

  • Jon says:


  • NikJ says:

    The only reason my family uses Netflix was for the great selection of episodes for the one and only cartoon that our kids truly enjoy, The Backyardigans. My husband and I enjoy the selection of documentaries and National Geographic episodes but aside from these Netflix leaves a lot to be desired.

    I was very disappointed to discover that the Backyardigans is no longer available. We are seriously considering cancelling our subscription at the end of the month.

  • Kyle says:

    I wonder how many people have canceled their subscriptions since the end of May…

  • PC says:

    My daughter is heartbroken that her Backyardigans, Dora and Diego are gone. We will be canceling Netflix and exploring other avenues if a solution is not brought forth soon.
    There should be some kind of legislation put in place requiring notification of subscribers when the service implements drastic changes to their programming.

  • Angie says:

    I’m really upset about this. I was wondering what happen to the nick jr shows. I have a 5 month old and I wanted to get her into watching the backyardagins wonder pet and other educational shows and now I can’t. Disney really doesn’t have anything good. At least with Nick Jr their shows I can stand n don’t have a problem with watching them with her but some Disney shows I can only take so much of and plus they only put one Mickey Mouse show on there. If Netflix is going down hill then I have to buy her DVDs or something else. Yes it may cost more to have these shows on there or whatever but 1) think of all the customers and money Netfilx will be losing by taking most of their popular shows off. In stead of coming up with another contract or solution and keeping possibley getting more customers. It’s all about supply and demand. They can make more money if they just take a few secs to think smart.

  • R. Gray says:

    The only reason I have Netflix is for the Nick Jr. for my children. I guess I’ll be searching for an alternative.

  • Anonymous says:

    This sucks!!! My baby loves
    to watch Yo Gabba Gabba!

  • MICHELE says:


  • Chelsea says:

    I was in the middle of watching all the South Park episodes! This is so lame! No South Park or Spongebob! I’m so disappointed in Netflix, I’m definitely not going to be a Netflix member anymore!

  • Anon says:

    You can try the Playground TV app. It’s available for iOS, not sure about other devices. Fair warning though, it’s NOT free and the programming is limited. It has Dora & Diego, but I haven’t seen Wonder Pets, Backyardigans or Yo Gabba Gabba. Also, the available episodes are very limited… *sigh*

  • bbp55 says:

    Thank you, LizS, for the only sane comment on this story. Really people? Not having Dora or DJ Lance to entertain your kids for you is that traumatic? No wonder the young people in our country are so narcissistic. From the age of one we pander to them and panic and get incensed if they don’t get what they want. “OH GOD NO DIEGO!!! GIVE MY BABY HIS FAVORITE CARTOON BACK, NETFLIX!!!!”

    Teach your kids that they don’t always get what they want. Teach them that life is disappointing sometimes. My kids were disappointed about these very items when I had to cancel cable due to a divorce and a major budget cutback. You know what happened? They were entertained in other ways. We had “Down Time” without a TV. Eventually I got an HD antenna and–low and behold–FREE TELEVISION! My kids got into Fat Albert, and He-Man; you can still get Veggie Tales and 3-2-1 Penguins OTA. And Sesame Street (you want to cancel Netflix? Send that $8 per month to your local PBS station). And not having so many options made limiting TV time EASIER.

    And let’s not let Viacom off the hook here, either. Their asking price doesn’t match what Netflix feels their programming adds to their customer base. You don’t like it? Cancel, and prove Viacom right. It’s the magic of the free market, people.

    Get a grip. I can’t imagine how you all react when the McRib is only around for a “limited time…”

  • Jae says:

    If I’m giving Netflix my money every month to be able to watch things that are NO LONGER on television, Netflix needs to work out their stuff with Viacom/or either Viacom needs to stop b****ing about stuff! This same thing happened with Direct TV less than a year ago. But seeing these shows are the only reason I USE NETFLIX! Ugh.

  • crista says:

    I agree with what a lot of the other mom’s are saying. Many of the nick shows that we’re available are essentially a part of the learning environment in households with small children. I’m very disappointed that these shows are no longer available. These shows are the main reason why I’ve subscribed to netflix. Without those shows I may be forced to switch to acompany that does offer them .

  • Anonymous says:

    Netflix better add more Disney and Cartoon Network shows if at least SpongeBob and Dora isn’t coming back.

  • Anonymous says:

    We will be cancelling Netflix. We only have it so our daughter could watch all the Dora and Blues Clues shows. No point in having it without those.

  • Patricia Knetzer says:

    I was really upset when I logged into Netflix to put Wonder Pets on for my two year old and it was gone, along with the rest of the Nick Jr shows he watches. What’s the point in offering a family package if half the kids shows are now gone? The rest of the cartoons are pretty lame and some I won’t let my kids watch.

  • Norbert Daggett says:

    No more Angry Beavers. ): :(

  • Vickie says:

    This is a deal breaker for me. Diego is my Granddaughter’s favorite and basically the only reason I kept Netflix . They have made a mistake with this decision.

  • J. Spencer says:

    The hippie that runs netflix doesn’t care about people. he cares about numbers and money. Today I got to see the disappointment on my son’s face as he kept looking for Diego. May they sit and watch their own family’s disappointment.

  • Angela says:

    This has been a huge disappointment at our house! To the person who said it was an over reaction, our kids do play outside, they do play other games, we do read books with them. They do however need down time. They have favorite shows that they like to watch that we justify because they are clean and educational without any commercials. These shows are no longer available and they were the only reason we had Netflix. My preschool age kids have been cranky and frustrated all week because their routine with their favorite shows for down time is gone. They keep asking for them and there are no other good choices on Netflix now. I think we will go buy some DVDs and cancel Netflix completely. Bad move Netflix, the kids are not happy. The customer base with young kids is larger than you think!

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